Tuesday, July 3, 2007

So, What Do We Call Her?

Speaker Pelosi has a new title: Chairwoman. Democratic National Committee chair Howard Dean has named Speaker Pelosi chair of the 2008 Democratic National Convention.

I think Governor Dean has made a great choice, and apparently I'm not the only one that thinks so. Colorado Republican Chair Dick Wadhams appears to be pleased as well for a slightly different reason. In this morning's Denver Post Wadhams responded to the selection of Speaker Pelosi by noting, "It absolutely confirms everything I've been saying for several months now, that the Democratic National Convention will reflect a very liberal, extreme-left viewpoint."

I am not quite certain what it is about Speaker Pelosi, other than committing the sin of being from San Francisco, that Mr. Wadhams sees as being so very liberal and extreme. Under the Speaker's leadership, the House has implemented the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission's national security recommendations, voted for the first increase in the minimum wage in ten years, cut student loan interests in half, voted to roll back tax payer subsidies for large oil companies, voted to expand stem cell research, restored "pay-as-you-go" budgeting, and restricted spending earmarks. And that was just in the first 100 hours of Speaker Pelosi being in power!

If these are the "extreme" points of view that will be reflected at the 2008 Democratic National Convention, then I think that 2008 will be a very good year for Democrats. Speaker Pelosi and her Democratic colleagues have operated under the notion that they will do what is right for this country and help every American rather than a select, wealthy few. It is that type of vision and leadership that we are now lucky to have in Washington.

As Young Democrats, it is our job to remind our peers that it is the Republicans who see such sensible legislation and straight forward philosophy as too extreme for America. For those we encounter who are unsure about voting for Democrats, we simply need contrast the prudent policies enacted by Speaker Pelosi with the corruption and do-nothingness of the Republican Congress that preceded her. If we do this effectively, there is no doubt that in 2008 Democrats will continue to build on their recent electoral successes both in Colorado and across the country.

So, welcome Speaker/Chairwoman Pelosi. We look forward to your arrival.

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